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Penkac silat, estilo Riau

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Penkac silat, estilo Riau Empty Penkac silat, estilo Riau

Mensaje  Admin Miér Feb 07, 2018 7:06 pm

Much of what constitutes classical Malay culture has its origin in the Riau Archipelago, including the earliest evidence of silat. Referred to as silat Melayu, the regional fighting systems of Riau have influenced nearly the entirety of Indonesian pencak silat, and into neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia. Fighting tactics dating back to the Srivijaya empire persist in Palembang today. Wide stances with the front foot turned slightly inward are typical, developed for fighting on Riau's muddy ground, while also preventing the knee joint from being exposed to frontal kicks. Seizing techniques which grab the arm are common. The most prominent weapons in silat Melayu are the staff (toya) and the spear. Spear forms in Riau usually begin with the blade pointed downward. Staff technique in silat Melayu of the Palembang area is said to be the best in all of Indonesian pencak silat. The weapon is made of wood and usually measures seven feet long. Fixed hand positions with very little sliding along the staff is characteristic of silat Melayu.

Penkac silat, estilo Riau 898f4b_e37a7dd8aa054f0aa1f0bf3b898ca05c

Penkac silat, estilo Riau Mana-mana-beach-club112

Penkac silat, estilo Riau Pangea_Main-Banner_04_Raja-Ampat2_(3)

Penkac silat, estilo Riau Islas-Riau


Mensajes : 2974
Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2009


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Penkac silat, estilo Riau Empty Re: Penkac silat, estilo Riau

Mensaje  Admin Jue Feb 08, 2018 3:44 am

La técnica no es muy impresionante. Parece un dojo mexicano de barrio ochentero.


Mensajes : 2974
Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2009


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Penkac silat, estilo Riau Empty Re: Penkac silat, estilo Riau

Mensaje  Admin Jue Feb 08, 2018 3:46 am

Posturas de a caballo. Ciertas técnicas recuerdan al capoeira y al kung fu mono.


Mensajes : 2974
Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2009


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