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Bruce Lee y el kobudo

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Bruce Lee y el kobudo Empty Bruce Lee y el kobudo

Mensaje  Admin Vie Mar 31, 2017 3:20 am


En 1959 comenzó a entrenar kobudo, un estilo de arte con armas de Okinawa. El manejo de Chakos de Demura fue admirado por Bruce Lee y uso los libros de Demura para aprenderlo.


Mensajes : 2974
Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2009


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Bruce Lee y el kobudo Empty Re: Bruce Lee y el kobudo

Mensaje  Admin Dom Mayo 28, 2017 1:52 am

oncealed weapons smuggled into Hong Kong which included a teargas pen, a sword cane with a 12-inch blade, a stiletto-type combo that contained a razor, a walking stick with a .410 shotgun shell at one end and a teargas canister at the other, a belt buckle that turned into a knife and a pearl handled .22 caliber Magnum-load double-barreled Derringer. Lee, obviously, wasn’t taking any chances.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/06/confessions-of-a-bruce-lee-addict-part-3/#Fs7OvsgljtKVIORQ.99

oncealed weapons smuggled into Hong Kong which included a teargas pen, a sword cane with a 12-inch blade, a stiletto-type combo that contained a razor, a walking stick with a .410 shotgun shell at one end and a teargas canister at the other, a belt buckle that turned into a knife and a pearl handled .22 caliber Magnum-load double-barreled Derringer. Lee, obviously, wasn’t taking any chances.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/06/confessions-of-a-bruce-lee-addict-part-3/#Fs7OvsgljtKVIORQ.99


Mensajes : 2974
Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2009


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