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Mensaje  Admin Sáb Ene 26, 2019 6:52 pm

Ahora veamos el famoso sanchin dai ni. Básicamente se trata de gyaku tsukis aplicados en cámara lenta, en posición hangetsu.


Parece increíble que un kata tan simple sea la base de varios estilos importantes.

Sanchin - Wikipedia

Sanchin (三戦) is a kata of apparent Southern Chinese (Fujianese) origin that is considered to be the core of several styles, the most well-known being the Okinawan Karate styles of Uechi-Ryū and Gōjū-Ryū, as well as the Chinese martial arts of Fujian White Crane, Five Ancestors, Pangai-noon and the Tiger-Crane Combination style associated with Ang Lian-Huat. Tam Hon taught a style that was called simply "Saam Jin" (Cantonese for "Sanchin").
The name Sanchin, meaning "three battles/conflicts/wars" is usually interpreted as the battle to unify the mind, body, and spirit; however, there are other interpretations.[1]
Uechi-Ryū practices a form of Sanchin with nukite zuki (貫手突) "open spear hand" strikes, while the version used by many other styles such as Gōjū-Ryū use a closed fist.[2][3][3][4][4]
Se aclara que Higaonna la usaba con las manos abiertas, pero Kyoda le hizo cambios.

Sanchin is the first kata learned in Uechi-Ryū, while other styles may introduce it later. In Gōjū-Ryu, there are two Sanchin kata. The first, "Miyagi's Sanchin" or sanchin dai ichi, was created by Chōjun Miyagi. The second, "Higashionna's sanchin" or sanchin dai ni was taught with open hands, as in Uechi-Ryū, but later it was also revised to closed fists by Miyagi's co-student Juhatsu Kyoda, founder of Tōon-Ryū, and adopted by Chōjun Miyagi as well. This kata was adopted by other styles such as the later Okinawan style Isshin-Ryū and Kyokushin.

En ciertas escuelas se utiliza un método rudo para verificar que el estudiante mantenga la dureza de la postura.

Shime (締め)

Some styles use a method of checking strength, posture, hand concentration during the performance of the kata called shime (締め). This involves a range of techniques from hard strikes to check the tone of the student's muscles and overall strength to very soft and slow pushes and pulls to test the student's ability to react in order to maintain his position.[5]
En ese sentido, el bunkai que vemos a continuación desvirtuaría el kata, pues para hacer las proyecciones hay que abandonar la postura estable.



Este bunkai usa sólo la postura de los brazos, pero cambia la biomecánica.



En los comentarios de youtube, alguien se lo echó en cara al que subió el video.

Eric Holsinger Hace 2 años

I want to say, I do really like your technical execution but all of your examples modify the angle, direction, and timing of the arms, hips, and torso from what is seen the kata. Even an untrained eye could see this. My grip here is that no (and I mean absolutely none) modification is necessary to get even more realistic applications out of these motions. I really respect what you are doing but I think we need to acknowledge any modifications when talking about bunkai otherwise we risk loosing the meaning of a lot of purposeful motion. There's a reason the opening movement of synchin isn't practiced with a double block to one side and then a backfist. There is purpose to the symmetrical structures and motions done as the arms come out in the opening. These purposes cannot be preserved if modifications like this are promoted as strict bunkai. 

Ryan Parker Hace 2 años

+Paul Holsinger I am always ready to amend and improve my understanding of Okinawan martial arts based on whatever new (or at least new to me) information becomes available. I would be very eager to learn any and all applications which mirror kata movements even more closely ... (regardless of how difficult I currently believe this may be possible).... That said, it does seem that you may (based on your most recent post) still be hung up on what I explained from the beginning as merely a learning aid... Perhaps, I need to re-film these techniques using correct real world timing to make sure people are evaluating what I am truly trying to offer, not merely the dumbed-down, simplified learning aid I taught. In any event, I am ALWAYS willing to adapt, reform, or even radically alter, my understanding based on new concrete information... Specifically referring to new applications demonstrated in person or at least on video....

Así enseña Taira el sanchin.

Entrenamiento de uechi ryu.



Tanto aguantar que los golpeen hasta en el culo (literalmente) para tener una postura firme, para que a la hora del bunkai les digan que se olviden de todo y que se pongan flexibles, porque la postura será sólo transitoria...

Bunkai, pero sólo del movimiento de empujón con las palmas.


Rudo el aprendizaje:

Abrí una discusión dedicada a katas de goju ryu:

Goju ryu, katas y bunkai - ForoArtesMarciales.com


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Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2009


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